Friday, March 18, 2005

The Yarn of Why?

So, I say to myself, "Self start a blog." "Why?" asks self. "The Knitty people said to," I reply. "Are they crazy?" yelps self. "No doubt," says I. So here I am, a blogger. I have been hugely entertained and educated by others' blogs. I would like to do the same (though I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you). You may notice a lack of pictures here as I have not yet mastered the techy parts of uplaoding them. Oh, and I also don't have a camera. Be that as it may, kindly look at the "About Me" section and picture a terribly attractive fat woman with, pick one: reddish blond, auburn, or light golden brown (that's what it says on the box)hair, brown eyes, and 384,937 freckles. Also imagine a picture of a nearly completed clapotis which does not appear to be a parogranm, parrellograph, er, the shape it says it should be in the pattern.


Karen said...

Hi Deb!

The Clapotis will block nicely into shape...don't worry about it. :)

Rachel said...

Hi Deb! Great start to your blog!


Anonymous said...

Hi Deb,

You are WAAAYYY to funny. I'm trying to picture your Clapotis. I'm going to try the Caron yarn too I think.

Hey!! Use somebody else's camera. Yeah, that's the ticket. Hell, it took me FOREVER to figure out how to get pics on my blog. I still hate, "Hello" but it's easier than before.

Of course, you're so funny I don't think you really NEED pictures.

Giggles back at you.