Friday, October 21, 2005

Backwarding better

I thought I had nailed it but...

Since I am new to reverse knitting and I started the scarf from my previous post before I was proficient--sounds better than "didn't practice enough"--I ran into some technical difficulties. Well, perhaps aesthetic difficulties would be more apropos. My tension changed dramatically **tension walks on stage and shouts, "I have changed!"** so I frogged the scarf and started over. I considered this a sign of (pick one) my maturing character or sheer lunacy. Persnickety perfectionism is SO not me and at first I balked at the idea of frogging and tried purposely knitting loosely, which did not work. Then I changed to larger needles which worked but didn't improve the beginning crappethy part of the fabric. So *sigh* I started over and have become a saner woman in the process. (Snicker and I will find you.)

See the differences in stitch quality , not to mention size, of my scarves done with the same yarn on the same needles but with much better control of the working yarn.

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It is not perfect but I think it's much better looking and *gasp* it is the correct gauge. There are occasional wonky stitches but usually these result from putting my work down mid-row or not paying attention because this pattern it not something to zone out on. Nope, it's definitely not a knit-while-steering-with-one-knee WIP but I do enjoy the entrelac technique and I'm having a good time with it and that's what matters, eh?


Unknown said...

It's beautiful! Is that from a pattern or are you just making it up as you go along?

I think entrelac is the next technique I want to learn. That or mitered squares. :)

Darbyrose said...

I want to do Entrelac!
And Fair Isle!
And Lace!
And Cables!

Guess I should quit blog-surfing and get knitting, huh? ;0)


Carolyn said...

That is lovely! Those colours are fabulous. I bow down to your "knitting backwards" prowess!