I received my last package from my CheapBleep Pal, Adriennec. I love the doggie notebook and fridge list and little post-it notes and the card totally rocks; my photography doesn't do it justice.

Adrienne also made this lovely lace scarf and, as usual, the picture does not do it justice. She made lace for me. *sniff*

Thank you for the goodies and thanks again, Adrienne, for the sawks that rawk web page you made for me. All the patterns call for needles larger than size two if any of youse are interested. I'm not going to be in the SP7 or CASP rounds this time. I have been in the midst of Strife of Life and decided to take a break--a very mentally healthy decision but, damn, I miss it.
WARNING: Grab your dribble bibs, serious yarn prOn ahead.
While I was recovering from some TMJ troubles and feeling very pitiful I cheered myself up by having a LOT of etail SEX. I got to go home this past Tuesday evening and came back Thursday to find all (I think) of my yarnage had arrived. FromLittle Knits, (takes PayPal) three skeins of Trekking XXL in Purple Dreams and five of Cascade 220 Quatro in 5014--it's coral, not pink.

The Trekking will be socks or possibe swappage and the Quatro will probably be turned into a felted thing and with some possible pre-knitted dying.
From the Yarn Market, Lorna's Laces Solids in #12 Lilac and Cherry Tree Hill Supersock Potluck in Eath Tones.

Also from the Yarn Market, six skeins of South West Trading Company Karaoke Multi in Purpleplexed.

I have never had any of the Yarn Market yarns but I have read a lot about them and wanted to give them a shot. I think, maybe, perhaps I'll try making a lace something from the Lorna's Laces. Pray for me and the yarn, poor fiber, I would hate to have to frog it and ruin it's lusciousness.
I bought three 200 yard skeins of Kathmandu Bathed recycled silk from The Wool Peddler (also takes PayPal). All three skeins are very soft and one is very hairy and all are bee-you-tee-full. When I ordered them I had thought of making Unbiased but I think, since the yarn is so soft, I will be making a wearable for one of the darling daughters.
The skein on the left wasn't twisted into a knot and I can't get the hang of making a nice twisted braidy-ooking knot, but it's not a tangled mess.
I also bought two pounds of roving, some felting needles, and a felting tool from WinderWood Farm, an eBay store. The roving colors are awesome. But the felting tool is not a success. (The felting tool photo is Winderwood's.)

Needle felting is my current Thing. Thanks (or blame) to Karen/Cooknknit who sent me a needle felting starter kit though, to be honest, I would have picked it up anyway. I Googled needle felting so I would know a little something about it but the first thing I did was stab myself with a needle dispite reading numerous times "needles are very sharp", duh. This is my first needle felted thing--it is NOT Hello Kitty it just looks like a little like her and it's not quite finished; I need to sharpen the edges a little.

She is 6 1/2' x 4 1/2" and I just free-formed her as I want a long. I didn't use any roving at all, just bits of feltable wool scraps, because the roving did not arrive with the needles and I was in a hurry to get started. The roving is nice for making balls or flowers but for felting a design I think I am going to like yarn--I'll know more as I felt more. By the way, the colors are off in the photo, they're much brighter in real life.
I'm off to finish or start soemthing or mayhaps I'll just pet yarn and flip through patterns.